قناع الغبار
فئات | سلامة المنتجات |
وقت تحديث | 2025/1/25 |
معلومات مفصلة
- Silicone facepiece material conforms to facial features and doesn't harden with age
- Silicone is easy to clean, durable and resists distortion
- Contoured sealing flange and cradle suspension system eliminates discomfort caused by pressure points on facial nerves
- Nose area design is comfortable and well-fitting
- Minimal dead air space limits re-breathing of exhaled air
- Direct cartridge-to-facepiece seal minimizes replacement parts and simplifies maintenance
- The most comfortable and durable half mask available
- Does not interfere with protective eyewear
الرجاء ارسال رسالة إلينا
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- *محتوى